Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012

Have You Ever Admired At a Cartoon Character? :P

Dear lovelies.. Now, I'm not going to give you a review or another thing related to beauty. I just wanna tell you about my.. ehm.. let me tell you something: I'm a big fan of Prince Eric. Do you know him? He's Ariel Little Mermaid's BF. Buahahaha. I don't know why, I think he's so damn macho.. LOL.
It's kind of love at first sight..

When I was in Elementary school,My dad bought me a Disney VCD, it's a Disney's songs compilation. Yeah, it's been my favorite VCD because  it contains greatest Disney soundtracks. You can find Cinderella's soundtrack, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, The Lion King and many more.

Yup, you can guess it. When I watched the Ariel's sountrack and I saw Prince Eric, it's like: WOOOOW..
Bahahaha.. Can you imagine how could a little girl can be fall in love with a cartoon character? :p
But don't worry, it's normal... and I didn't do something weird and psycho like imagined to kiss or hug him.. Kekeke..

This is Prince Eric:

Isn't he lovely? <3 :p
Do you have a idol like I used to be? Share with me.. <3
Thanks for reading

7 komentar:

  1. Tau Sailormoon kan? Dulu aku nonton kartun n baca komiknya sampe tamat. Dulu sempet kesemsem sama Mamoru Chiba/Mask Tuxedo/Endemion yang jadi peran utama cowok di sailormoon... Perasaan waktu ku SD dia tuh ganteeeng banget berharap ada manusia nyatanya... wkwkw... Aneh banget klo diinget2 sekarang...

    1. wkwkwk.. iya mbak, tau.. emang ganteng :P
      lucu ya kalo diinget-inget ==''

  2. I love prince phillip from sleeping beauty, mba :3 lol

  3. Suka ama animenya GTO, kalau Onizuka emang bener2 ada secara nyata, bakal keren kali y aha ha ha... (yg comment ini punya selera aneh soal cowo')

    1. waah aku malah ga tau GTO.. yang tau suamiku :P

  4. i like kungfu panda hwkkwkwkkwkwww


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