Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Review Sariayu Pelembab Mawar Relaxing Aromatic

Hello gorgeous!  (≧∇≦)/ Moisturizer is a MUST HAVE item for me, especially because I have a dry skin. Actually, we must apply moisturizer every day, whatever your skin type is, because moisturizer maintains the skin natural moisture. Since I have a dry skin, I prefer a ‘rich texture’ moisturizer rather than the light moisturizer because my skin will stay moist all day long.

Here, I’ll give you a review about ‘Sariayu Pelembab Mawar’ or ‘Sariayu Rose Essentials Moisturizer’. It has two variants, the other one is ‘Sariayu Pelembab Jeruk’ for oily skin. My sister loves it very much because she has an oily and acne skin. FYI, my Dad also use this and lately he bought 5 pieces! Bahahaha. ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ His skin is getting very dry because of the hot weather which become hotter-and-hotter recent days. ( My town, Salatiga, is known as a city with cool and chilly weather, but now my town becomes hotter as the result of global warming (」゜ロ゜)」). I’ve repurchased it twice and I’m quite satisfied with this product. Here is the appearance:

Product Description:
Moisturizer with rose essential oil as aromatherapy for relaxing effect! Enriched with rose extract and olive oil to improve the skin moisture, areca extract to maintain the skin elasticity.

Even though the texture is light, but it can moisture my skin well. (I don’t say it’s REALLY well. Hehehe. I found a better moisturizer that fit into my skin. I’ll give the review later)
I love the slight rose scent.  ┗(`ー´)┓
It’s crazy cheap, around Rp.5000,00
Plus SPF 15! It’s great for a cheap product, but I still use my sunscreen because 15 is not enough for me. I use Wardah Sunscreen Gel after it to improve the SPF protection.

- Nothing

REPURCHASE: I’ve purchased it twice but since I’ve found a better moisturizer… errrr.. maybe I’ll buy it again.

7 komentar:

  1. Hello dear,
    temen dan mama aq juga pakai pelembab mawar seperti yang kamu pakai dan mereka cukup puas juga, mungkin emang cocok buat kulit kering.
    kulit aq tipe berminyak, aq pernah coba sariayu yg pelembab jeruk, tapi bikin greasy di muka jadi aq stop.

    btw aq kasi tag blogmu di Versatile Blogger Awards yang barusan aq post di blogq. Aq ngga tahu apa kamu pernah nerima versatile award sebelumnya tapi aq tag aja he he...

    1. Bisa dilihat di

    2. iya, memang pelembab ini cukup memuaskan, padahal harganya murah banget :)

      oya? makasih ya tag-nya.. kmren aku juga abis dapet versatile award :)

  2. Haii mba anita widi ^^
    Saya juga pake ini sebelumnya.
    Emang top markotop banget deh.
    Murah tapi ga murahan :)
    Btw, mba.. Jujur, sy baru tau kalo itu pelembapnya ada SPF15 >.<
    Slama sy beli, sy ga pernah liat ada tulisan SPF 15 soalnya.

    1. iyaaa.. suka banget sama ini..
      ayoooo coba diliat dikemasannya, ada tulisannya kok :D

  3. aku punya pelembab ini, hasil iseng beli buat melembabkan tangan yang kering.. bukan buat wajah. :D

    aku follow ya cah ayu ;)

    1. waaah dijadiin hand cream mbak? :)
      makasi udah follow yaaa :D


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